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Susan J. Probst, MD and Associates For Women's Health

We are a  OB/GYN, fully staffed by women t to allow our patients to feel comfortable and truly understood while receiving excellent care. We provide

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Wellness Visits

An annual exam with our providers encompasses much more than collecting a pap smear! In addition to a thorough physical exam, we allow time to discuss health maintenance and personal safety tips with our clients.  Questions are encouraged and we realize both physical and emotional wellness are equally important aspects of good health. Together, each client and her provider develop a plan for continued health and well being during these visits.

Adolescent Care

We understand adolescence can be a difficult transition period for every young woman. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide a safe and relaxed environment to erase the fear and discomfort of a first gynecological office visit. We recognize the importance of providing care both physically and emotionally when it comes to treating young women.

Menopause Management

This period of time is often the most challenging for women as they begin to experience bodily changes both internally and externally.  Our providers have a keen interest in helping perimenopausal women maintain their health and vitality. We offer a variety of therapies that support these intended outcomes, including: weight management, anxiety relief, memory support, vaginal and skin rejuvenation treatments, and hormonal balancing.

Contraception Management

We offer a wide range of birth control options. We keep every patient informed of the options available.  We will work with you to find the best method for your unique contraceptive needs.


Dr. Probst is recognized as an expert in the management of hormonal imbalance using "natural" bioidentical hormones. Hormone therapy is individualized according to each woman's symptoms, medical history, and lab values. For menopause, replacement hormones are offered by two safe methods of absorption, liquid drops absorbed through the skin and hormone pellets inserted under the skin. For thyroid conditions, Dr. Probst favors natural replacement untainted by corn or gluten.

Bladder Therapy

We offer a full complement of diagnostic and treatment options for women's bladder problems. This includes treatment of bladder infections, interstitial cystitis, urinary stress incontinence, bladder prolapse, painful bladder syndrome, irritable bladder, frequency, urgency, nocturia, etc.

Incontinence Therapy

Through this and other services, I’ve cared for numerous patients throughout my career as a OB/GYN. To me, nothing matters more than your health and comfort, which is why I’ve put in so much time and effort into advancing my medical practice and techniques. Please get in touch to schedule an initial consultation.

Gynecological Surgical Options

Dr. Probst is a board-certified gynecologist with many years of surgical experience and offers a full complement of GYN surgical options.  She is an expert in both major surgical procedures such as hysterectomies as well as outpatient procedures including female sterilization, myomectomies, LEEP procedures, uterine ablation, etc. Philosophically, she believes in attempting to be as conservative as possible by attempting alternative treatment options before surgery is recommended.

Aesthetic Services

For a full list of aesthetic services we provide, please visit The Side Door page.

Contact US

740 Penn Ave. West Reading PA United States 19611


(Fax) 610-685-1567

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